Problem Statement for rc1p3

**Statement** Daniel just wanted to bug you again, so he decided to ask you another problem! %rit% Given an array of `N` points on the `XY` plane, answer `Q` queries in the form `A, B` which asks the question: "If there was a line segment connecting point `(0, 0)` to point `(A, B)`, how many of the `N` points would lie on the segment?". Since Daniel is mean he asks you to write a program to solve the problem or he will make you eat poop! o_O **Constraints** `1 %lft%= N, Q %lft%= 2 * 10 ^ 5` The coordinates of the queries and points will not exceed `1000`, and are at least `1`. **Note: Coordinates need not be distinct.** **Input** The first line of input will contain `N` and `Q`. The next `N` lines will contain `2` integers `X` and `Y` denoting that the point `(X, Y)` is part of the array. The final `Q` lines will each contain 2 integers `X` and `Y` denoting a query. **Output** Output `Q` integers, on seperate lines, where the `ith` line is the answer to the `ith` query. **Sample Input** ``` 2 1 420 420 69 69 1 2 ``` **Sample Output** ``` 0 ```

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