Setting a problem on the judge To set a problem on the judge, first ask me (jiminycricket#2701) to provide you with problem setting permissions (previous admins should already have the permissions).

On the website: Head to this page and upload the zip file problem contents (format described below). Make sure to log in with your personal admin account.

The zip file contents should contain the following files:
  1. A params.yaml file containing the following information:

    name: problemName
    authors: [author1, author2, ... , tester1, tester2, ...]
    difficulty: numberOfPoints
    types: [problemType1, problemType2, ...] # This is optional (e.g. "Implementation", "Graph Theory")
       general: [-> General time limit]
       java: [-> Language-specific time limits (optional)]
       python: ...
       # ... (State time limits in seconds)
       general: [-> General memory limit]
       java: [-> Language-specific memory limits (optional)]
       # ... (State memory limits in Kilo-Bytes (KB); 1024 KB = 1 MB)
    batches: [casesInBatch1, casesInBatch2, ...]
    points: [pointsForBatch1, pointsForBatch2, ...]
    private: # 1 for true, 0 for false
    contest: contestName # [should only be set if "private" is true]

  2. A problem statement description contained in the file You may write the statement using Discord message markdown. Bold, italics, code segments, and hyperlinks will be picked up.
  3. Testdata: Every test data file will start with data, followed by the batch number, followed by a . (period), followed by the case number, followed by either .in for an input file or .out for an output file. For example, data3.2.out is the output file for batch 3 case 2 of the testdata.
Please do not zip a folder containing these files; directly zip the file contents only. After you upload the problem data, only you will be able to re-upload and modify the problem contents.

Sample problem data zip file:
Hosting a contest on the judge To host a contest:
  1. Make the contest problems (problem names should end with the associated problem number in the contest. For example, problem 3 of a contest could be named xxxp3)
  2. Register the contest using the "Set up a new contest" button above (under "Problem/contest setting")
  3. Use the -set [contest1] [contest2]... command to set up live scoreboards.
  4. Ask me for permissions to send an announcement in the discord server and/or post the announcement on the website.
Custom Checkers To feature custom grading in your problem, add a python program in the folder with the testdata. This program needs to read the current case input data from the file and read the output provided by the user's program from data.out after processing this information, if you deem the output as correct, print AC to the standard output stream. Otherwise, if it is incorrect, you don't need to print anything. If the judge encounters a runtime-error while running the checker program, it will give a Wrong Answer verdict for the test case. If you use a custom checker, you do not need to include output files in your test data; just input files is sufficient. If you do include .out data, you can read it from expected.out. For an example of custom checkers, see problem ec4p2.