Problem Statement for rc1p1

**Statement** Daniel was bored one day so he decided to ask you a question! %rit% Given an array `A` of length `N`, find the number of distinct triplets `i, j, k (i %lft% j %lft% k)` such that `A[i] ^ A[j] ^ A[k]` is odd, where ^ denotes the bitwise XOR operation. **Constraints**: `1 %lft%= N %lft%= 2 * 10^5` `1 %lft%= A[i] %lft%= 10 ^ 9` **Input** The first line of input will contain an integer `N`. The final line of input will contain `N` spaced out integers denoting the array `A`. **Output** On 1 line print out your answer **Sample Input** ``` 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ``` **Sample Output** ``` 60 ```

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