Problem Statement for mc1p1

**Mock CCC Contest 1 Problem 1 - Bananas** Stefan the monkey loves eating bananas. He starts on a linear street `A` metres from his home and heads to a friend's house `B` metres from his home, on the same street. At every position on the street whose distance in metres from home is a multiple of `K`, there is a banana. If Stefan eats all the bananas along the path (possibly including the start and end points), how many bananas will he eat? *You will need 64-bit integers to pass (e.g. `long` in `java`, or `long long` in `c++`)* **Input Specification:** First line: Three integers: `A` (starting point), `B` (ending point), and `K` (multiples that bananas occur in). **Output Specification:** The number of bananas that Stefan will eat. **Subtasks:** For 40% of the marks, `1 ≤ A, B ≤ 100000` For full marks, `1 ≤ A, B ≤ 1e12` **Sample input:** ``` 1 10 2 ``` **Output for sample input:** ``` 5 ``` **Explanation for sample case:** Bananas occur at positions 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.

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 python: 3.0 seconds
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