Problem Statement for keepingtime

``` Bob and Joe are having a competition for who can eat the most donuts. You are given the time that they start (in 24-hour time). Their competition lasts for T seconds. Your job is to find out when they will finish. However, if their competition reaches or goes past midnight (24:00:00), just print "Overtime". Input Specification: First line: Their starting time (in the format hh:mm:ss) Second line: The length of the competition in seconds (T) Output Specification: One line: The time that the competition ends, or "Overtime" if the competition goes past midnight (print in the same format as input). Sample input 1: 09:30:25 10 Sample output 1: 09:30:35 Sample input 2: 13:59:59 1 Sample output 2: 14:00:00 Sample input 3: 23:59:58 2 Sample output 3: Overtime ```

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