Problem Statement for frequency

``` For this problem, you will be given a list of numbers in a line (each from 1 to 10). Your job is to find out the number of times each number occurs. Input specification: The first line will contain N: The number of integers in the list The second line will contain the list of N numbers. Output specification: For each number n from 1 to 10 with frequency x, print "There are x ns" (For example, "There are 3 8s") Sample input: 5 3 1 2 4 1 Sample output: There are 2 1s There are 1 2s There are 1 3s There are 1 4s There are 0 5s There are 0 6s There are 0 7s There are 0 8s There are 0 9s There are 0 10s ```

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