Problem Statement for ec4p2

**Educational Contest 4 Problem 2 - Neat pencils** Kyler is a very tidy student. He has a row of pencils, each with certain lengths. He wants you to mess up his row of pencils (you heard right!). Given the lengths of Kyler's row of pencils, give him a **different** ordering of his original pencils; or just print `none` if no different reordering exists. **Constraints:** `1 ≤ N ≤ 200000` The lengths of the pencils will not exceed one billion. *Note: the lengths of the pencils are not guaranteed to be unique or in sorted order.* **Input specification:** First line: one integer: the number of pencils in Kyler's row Second line: the lengths of Kyler's row of pencils **Ouput specification:** *Any* distinct reordering of Kyler's pencils (on one line); OR `none` if no possible distinct reordering exists. **Sample input:** ``` 5 1 2 3 4 5 ``` **Sample output:** ``` 4 1 5 3 2 ```

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