Problem Statement for ec4p1

**Educational Contest 4 Problem 1 - Clicks per second** Allen is practicing his clicking. He clicks for `N` seconds, and you are given the number of clicks he made in each second. For each click, find his average clicks per second (cps) so far (rounded down). **Constraints:** For 5% of the marks, `1 ≤ N ≤ 5` For the remaining 95%: `1 ≤ N ≤ 200000` For all cases: the number of clicks he makes in a single second will not exceed one million. **Input specification:** First line: `N` Second line: `N` space-separated integers: the number of clicks that he made in each of the `N` seconds. **Output specification:** `N` space-separated integers: the so-far average clicks per second (rounded down) for each second. **Sample input:** ``` 5 4 2 2 4 2 ``` **Sample output:** ``` 4 3 2 3 2 ``` **Explanation:** After the first click: 4 clicks in 1 second = 4 cps After second click: 6 clicks in 2 seconds = 3 cps After third click: 8 clicks in 3 seconds = 2.67 cps = 2 cps (round down) (and so on...)

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