Problem Statement for ec3s1

!**Educational Contest 3 Problem Senior 1 - That's Odd** Given an array `A` of `N` numbers, find the number of distinct ordered pairs `(i, j)` where `i %lft% j` and `A[i] * A[j]` is an odd number. Note: only the pair of **indices** needs to be distinct, **not necessarily the numbers themselves**. **Input Specification:** First line: `N (1 ≤ N ≤ 200000)` Second line: The integers in the array `(A[1], A[2], ... A[N])` **Output Specification:** One integer: The number of distinct ordered pairs as specified in the problem statement. For 20% of the marks: `1 ≤ N ≤ 500` **Sample input:** ``` 3 1 2 3 ``` **Sample output:** ``` 1 ``` **Reason:** the only pair is `(1, 3)`.

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