Problem Statement for ec3j3

**Educational contest 3 Problem Junior 3 / Senior 1 - Inclusion Exclusion** Alex loves getting those questions on math contests where they ask you `"How many numbers from 1 to n are multiples of x but not y?"` She has decided to write a program to solve it and she needs your help! We will modify this problem by asking `"How many numbers between L and R (inclusive) are multiples of A[1], A[2], ... and A[X] but not multiples of B[1], B[2], ... and B[Y]?"` **Input specification:** Line 1: Two space-separated integers: `L` and `R` Line 2: `X` (The number of numbers in the array `A`) Line 3: The numbers in the array `A` separated by spaces. Line 4: `Y` (The number of numbers in the array `B`) Line 5: The numbers in the array `B` separated by spaces. **Output specification:** One integer: the number of numbers between `L` and `R` that are multiples of all numbers in the array `A` but not multiples of any of the numbers in the array `B`. **Constraints:** `1 ≤ L ≤ R ≤ 500` `1 ≤ X, Y ≤ 10` **Sample input 1:** ``` 1 15 2 2 3 1 4 ``` **Sample output 1:** ``` 1 ``` **Reasoning:** The only number **between 1 and 15** that is a **multiple of both 2 and 3** but **not a multiple of 4** is 6.

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