Problem Statement for ec3j2

**Educational contest 3 Problem Junior 2 - Neighbourhood Watching** Kevin lost his bike! He is going around the neighbourhood asking everyone if they have seen his bike. Kevin's neighbourhood is represented by `N` houses on a number line where there is a house at each integer position. When he goes to house `i`, the people at the house will tell him to ask house `A[i]`. He will then have to walk the distance from house `i` to `A[i]`. He starts at house 1, and inevitably, after visiting a few houses, he will end back up at house 1. Given `N` and the array `A`, how much distance does Kevin travel before ending up back at house 1? **Input specification** First line: the number `N` (number of houses) Second line: the array `A`. More specifically, the numbers `A[1], A[2], ... A[N]` separated by spaces. (`A` is guaranteed to be a permutation/reordering of the sequence `1, 2, ... N`) **Output specification** One integer: the total distance Kevin travels before coming back to house 1. **Constraints:** `1 ≤ N ≤ 200000` **Sample input 1:** ``` 5 5 2 3 4 1 ``` **Sample output 1:** ``` 8 ``` **Reason**: Kevin starts at house 1 which directs him to walk to house 5 (distance 4). House 5 directs him back to house 1 (distance 4). Kevin walks 8 units in total. **Sample input 2:** ``` 5 2 4 5 3 1 ``` **Sample output 2:** ``` 10 ```

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