Problem Statement for ec2p2

``` A terrible new disease COWVID-19 has spread among cows worldwide! Farmer John has decided to try to quarantine his cows as soon as possible but it's too late: M of his cows are already infected! The cows do not enjoy practising social distancing, so the total number of infected cows will get multiplied by I every week. Your task is to simulate this infecting process and see how many cows are infected after N weeks. INPUT SPECIFICATION: First line: three numbers separated by a space: M (initial number of cows infected), I (number of cows that an infected cow spreads to every week), and N (the number of weeks to simulate) OUTPUT SPECIFICATION: One integer: the total number of cows that were infected in the course of N weeks at Farmer John's farm SAMPLE INPUT: 2 3 2 SAMPLE OUTPUT: 18 Reasoning: We start off with 2 cows infected. Week 1: 2 x 3 --%rit% 6 total Week 2: 6 x 3 --%rit% 18 total CONSTRAINTS: For 95% of the marks: 1 ≤ M, I, N ≤ 10 For the additional 5% marks: 1 ≤ M, I ≤ 10 ; 1 ≤ N ≤ 10^18 (For this subtask, mod the answer by 10^9+7) ```

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